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أدلة "إرشادية" عملية لدعم الشركات الموريتانية

مضاف: 12-11-2020 نشر في: استدامة الأعمال

ISO 14001

With rising public awareness of the need to protect our environment, governments and businesses are under increasing pressure to minimize their environmental footprint and promote sustainable development. The ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Standard has been developed to help organizations identify, manage and control the activities that have an environmental impact.

Industrial companies, service organizations, utility and public bodies worldwide have embraced ISO 14001 as the preferred model for environmental management and for improved performance. The standard, which was published by ISO in 1996 was revised in 2004, 2015 and is compatible with other management standards particularly the widely used ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard.

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أظهر التزامك تجاه الشركات المحلية وبناء القدرات من خلال تقديم دليل أو مقابلة لـ "أكاديمية المعرفة". اتصل بنا لمزيد من التفاصيل.

كن عضوًا في وتأكد من أن شركتك يمكن العثور عليها والعثور عليها من قبل الموردين والمشترين الذين يتطلعون إلى القيام بأعمال تجارية في موريتانيا.